Friday, December 1, 2017

Anabolic Prohormone Methylstenbolone,Stenbolone/

CAS 5197-58-0

Product Name:Methylstenbolone,Stenbolone
Alias:Ultradrol, Methyl Sten,M-sten,Msten,Estembolona,Stenbolonum
Chemical Name:2,17a-Dimethyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-3-one
CAS No.: 5197-58-0
Molecular Formula: C20H30O2
Molecular Weight: 302.455
Grade:Pharmaceutical Grade
Appearance:White Crystalline Powder

Stenbolone is an anabolic steroid. It is structurally similar to 1-testosterone.

The Stenbolon steroid is recommended mostly to professional bodybuilders because it increases the regeneration level in diet time.

The Stenbolon steroid has an efficient action over those symptoms and helps the recovery of the athlete, because by its action it doesn’t retain water and doesn’t increase the level of estrogens. The Stenbolon has an anabolic and androgenic effect considerably weak when it is compared with the oral version of this product, the injectable version leading to a lent but quality increase of muscle weight and stenght. This is the reason why it is administrated by women, beginners in steroids treatments and older sportsmen, who  obtained great result without the risk of adverse reactions.

The Stenbolon was first of all a steroid for competitions period.

Bodybuilding Benefits

Methylstenbolone is a DHT derived prohormone that provides lean mass gains with low water retention. It provides increases in mass, size, and strength. Unlike superdrol, Methylstenbolone retains little to no water retention meaning you can bulk up without losing definition. This will provide the look of much fuller muscles. Many people after experiencing methylstenbolone prefer it over superdrol. 

As stated earlier, Methylstenbolone is derived from DHT, for users this means that aromatization is virtually impossible,so it does not convert to an estrogenic metabolite or have any affinity for the progesterone receptor, so estrogen mediated side effects should be virtually non-existent.This is big news in the bulking and mass building prohormone world.

Methylstenbolone Side Effects

As a methylated compound, and displaying a very high resistance to being metabolized, Methylstenbolone is liver toxic. 

Side effects of cycling Methylstenbolone are not that common if users cycle with proper cycle support and follow up with Post Cycle therapy. The most common side effects are feeling lethargic, increased aggression, joint pain, decreased libido and experiencing back pumps. Back pumps can easily be avoided or treated by using the amino acid Taurine. Joint pain can be avoided and treated by taking proper Joint Care. The least common side effect would be estrogen related side effects such as gyno. 

These side effects are as follows:

•Decreased Libido/Sexual Function
•Lethargy / Fatigue and tiredness
•Increased hair growth / Increased hair shedding
•Puffy / Sensitive Nipples
•Joint Discomfort
•Back Pumps (Dull pain in back after/during workouts) (Resolved through drinking more water, loading up on glucosamine, joint repair, and L-Taurine.)
•Increased aggression, head aches, flushing and various other sides can happen as well.

Methylstenbolone Dosage & Cycle

Methylstenbolone is usually ran anywhere from 3-4 weeks (21-30) days, and dosed around 4-16mg per day with proper liver care.
We recommend that you take 2 caps spread throughout the day, once upon rising and once before sleeping to ensure best results.Due to the extreme potency and toxicity of using methylstenbolone, we strongly advise all our customers not to use the compound methylstenbolone for no longer than 4 weeks.

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